The student must complete a minimum of 67% of the hours certified each semester and earn the following grade point average (GPA), depending upon the student’s hours attempted:

Veteran’ Education Benefits Standard of Progress Policy

Veterans who do not complete the minimum hours or earn the required GPA will be placed on probation for the following semester. The veteran must complete a minimum of six hours in one semester with a semester GPA of 2.00 to be removed from probation.

Suspension will occur if a probationary veteran does not meet the probation requirements for reinstatement.  Suspension will also occur if a veteran does not have a semester GPA of 2.00 or greater or if a student does not complete 67% of the hours certified and the required cumulative GPA.

It is the veteran’s responsibility to reapply for benefits and to notify the certifying official that satisfactory progress has been met.

The veteran has the right to appeal according to the terms outlined in Cowley’s Policy Handbook, #432.00.