Clubs & Activities
Our Students GO ALL IN…
At Cowley you aren't just gaining knowledge. You are gaining experiences!
We give students opportunities to cut loose, get involved, and above all MAKE A DIFFERENCE. With nearly 20 clubs and even more activities Cowley offers a little something for everyone.
Campus Life
Stay Connected
Between intramural sports, club meetings, and student life events, there is always something happening at Cowley College! Keep up with Campus Life through our Instagram account!
Follow us on InstagramCLUBS, EVENTS & INTRAMURALS
- Student groups, clubs & organizations
- Growing international population
- Free tickets to campus performances
- Time-honored traditions of Free Movie Night, Hypnotist, Glow-in-the-Dark Easter Egg Hunt, and End-of-the-Year Bash
- Local eateries close to campus
- Nelson Student Center - “The Jungle” featuring the Tiger Deli, game room & study booths
- Co-ed intramurals
- Varsity athletics
Campus Life Events At Cowley
Creative Claws Meeting
Math & Science Club Meeting
Collegiate Quiz Bowl Practice
Hope Squad Meeting
Free Movie Night
Click the links below to learn more about each individual club
Academic Civic Engagement through Service
The ACES Program involves active participants in the local community, selflessly giving
of our time and talents. We are not just volunteers, but students with a unique opportunity
to challenge ourselves outside the realm of academia. Connections are made (through
reflection logs, journals, class presentations, meeting with instructors and meetings
with other students) between classroom work and work in service. We also take an active
role in teaching others—in our classes, in our friendships and in our communities.
ACT One Drama Club
Art & Design Club
Members experience art appreciation through a variety of field trips and special events.
"If you could say it in words, there would be no reason to paint." — Edward Hopper
Collegiate DECA
Collegiate DECA (Cowley Chapter) is a business organization open to any student preparing for careers in business and business-related fields or an interest in business. Specifically, Finance and Accounting, Marketing and Communications, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality and Tourism, Business Management and Administration.
Collegiate Quiz Bowl
This student activity was incorporated by the Kansas State Department of Education to showcase quality teaching and learning at the community college level. In the fall and spring semesters, students participate in scrimmages and regional and state competitions with other community colleges in Kansas. At the state competition, student teams have the opportunity to win from $400 to $800. Since no individual is an expert in all subject areas, this is a collaborative team effort.
Cowley Hope Squad
Peer to Peer Suicide Prevention Program
Cowley College is the FIRST Hope Squad in Kansas! Hope Squad members at Cowley volunteer
for the program and meet regularly to make a difference on campus and in the community.
Hope Squad members will learn about mental health crisis, how to identify signs of
crisis, and how to refer others to assistance.
The Cowley College Student Senate, known as CCSS, is the governing organization for Cowley College students. Any student (full or part-time) is welcome to be a member of CCSS. The purpose of CCSS is to promote the interests of students to various councils, the administration, and other groups. CCSS supports extracurricular activities, student organizations and special events that promote mental and physical wellness and growth opportunities for a diverse student population.
Follow us on Instagram @CowleyCollegeStudentLife
Cowley Trap Club
Membership allows students to participate in a Collegiate Trap Shooting League. Potential opportunities for additional intercollegiate competition including conference and national championships may be available. This is a must join for students with a passion for shooting sports. Club Rules; Safety, Fun and Competitive.
Creative Claws
Cowley College encourages students to develop their creative writing skills as a form of self-expression and a means of communicating emotions, ideas, history, and perception of the world and the human condition. Creative Claws is an avenue for writers at the college to showcase their works through Writers' Corner and Mile Marker Review. The club has grown as the creative writing program has grown, and now the club also sponsors events, contests, and Mile Marker Review, an online journal.
Cru® is a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ. With Cru, you'll have local and global opportunities to learn, connect and go. Join us for twice-monthly large-group gatherings, weekly or twice monthly small group Bible studies, service projects, events, and more!
Gaming Club
The Cowley Gaming Club will meet weekly to connect gamers with similar interests. The club will participate in fundraising activities and tournaments. They will meet weekly on Fridays from 6:00-10:00 PM at the Sumner Campus Technology and Innovation Center.
Generation One
The First-Generation Student Club celebrates the strength and resilience of first-generation college students. At Generation One, we’re all about turning dreams into reality and forging our own paths. Here, you’ll find access to resources, mentorship, workshops, community, social events, and more, all designed to highlight your success as a first-gen student.
International Student Organization
Math & Science Club
The Math and Science Club of Cowley College will seek to promote student interest in the disciplines of mathematics and science and to enrich learning opportunities in mathematics and science throughout the college and community through extra curricular activities.
Media Club
Cowley College encourages students to develop their creative writing skills as a form of self-expression and a means of communicating emotions, ideas, history, and perception of the world and the human condition.
Media Club is the college recognition and fundraising club for students interested in media at the college. The club is in a ready-for-change stage where it is time to sponsor more activities and gain more recognition on campus. It is primarily made up of newspaper and newscast students, but is open to all.
Phi Theta Kappa
Join Phi Theta Kappa, Honor Society of Cowley College! Be rewarded for your academic achievement with exclusive scholarships, professional development and benefits.
SkillsUSA is America’s proud champion of the skilled trades. We’re a student-led partnership of education and industry that’s building the future skilled workforce our nation depends on with graduates who are career ready, day one.
Voices Heard
Voices Heard embraces the differences that each one of its members, and the Cowley community, identify with. The club also guides its members to appreciate and understand the uniqueness of others while embracing diversity.