April 11, 2024

No Need to Deliberate: Kansas Court of Appeals Visits Cowley College

kansas court of appeals panel

On Wednesday morning, a Kansas Court of Appeals panel held oral arguments at the Cowley College Brown Theatre. Students, faculty, staff, and community members attended the event to witness the judicial process in action. In addition to serving as an educational experience, the event promoted civic engagement and awareness of the importance of the judicial system within the community.

Having students from diverse academic backgrounds such as Criminal Justice, Accounting, Business, Economics, Theatre/Music, and even the Trap Shooting Club in attendance showcased the multifaceted nature of legal issues and their relevance across various fields.

Observing these oral arguments offered a unique perspective on legal proceedings and allowed individuals to observe the dynamics of argumentation, the role of precedent, and the deliberative process of judges. Deepening understanding and appreciation for the complexities of the law.

Hunter Ferguson | Integrated Communications Specialist
Cowley College
125 S. 2nd Street
Arkansas City, KS 67005